Mission Cure Capital supports innovators who are ready to test new ideas, build evidence of what works, and advance the best solutions as quickly and efficiently as possible.
We accept proposals year-round.
Mission Cure Capital Offers the Following Funding:
Stage 1: Pre-clinical ($50,000 - $100,000)
Foundational development to provide essential resources for the field with long-term payoff (i.e. disease model systems, genetic foundations, patient-derived cell-lines)
Stage 2: Proof of Concept ($100,000 - $300,000)
Innovative research that opens new pathways for diagnosis and drug discovery.
Studying novel approaches and therapies on small patient groups (i.e. N of 1 trial); Safety and toxicology studies for promising therapeutic
Stage 3: Transition to Scale (Amount of funding is determined on a case by case basis)
Readiness and advancement toward a Phase 2 clinical trials
Applicants should apply to the level that best matches their current stage and evidence base.
Proposal Requirements
Investment proposals must describe the projected impact on specific patient outcomes and projected financial returns on investment.
Proposals Should Include the Following:
1. Project Description
Should be designed to result in treatments to benefit chronic pancreatitis patients. As recurrent acute pancreatitis affects about 3x more people than CP and adds billions more to the growing healthcare burden, Mission Cure Holdings will accept proposals and consider projects that address RAP in an effort to slow, stop or reverse the progression to CP.
2. Projected Impact on patient outcomes
A: Specific outcomes that will be impacted
B: Target population or sub-populations if applicable (for example, PRSS1-driven pancreatitis)
C: Likelihood of achieving outcomes and impact (risk assessment)
3. Research Strategy, if a research project
A: Background and preliminary data supporting the proposed approach
B: Specific aim(s): the objectives, goals and targets of the project
C: The approach that will be employed to achieve each goal
D: Potential risks and challenges and how they will be overcome
E: References/ Relevant articles/peer-reviewed publications/other
4. Additional research and tasks required to obtain regulatory approval if applicable
5. Timeline and milestones for all phases from pre-planning to commercialization
6. Budget with narrative
7. Expected financial return with supporting explanations
A: Business model with projected revenues, expenses, timing
B: Conditions that must be met to achieve return (for example, licensing to a manufacturer)
C: Likelihood of achieving the financial return projects (risk level assessment)
8. Qualifications
A: Briefly describe the critical resources available to complete this project, including key staff, equipment, core facilities and complimentary funding available.
B: Experience with similar projects.
9. Additional Information
A: Institutional resources or approvals needed such as technology transfer office, business or IP development officer or similar. Please provide names, titles, and contact details. If available, please provide examples of other similar projects that were funded by industry or outside investors and resulted in a commercial product.
B: Projects submitted for review should be designed to result in treatment for the benefit of chronic pancreatitis patients with measurably improved outcomes. MCC looks most favorably on projects with the aim of commercialization within 3-5 years, but other high impact projects with longer timeframes will be considered.
Projects may relate to new therapies or repurposing existing drugs or therapies to treat CP if expected to significantly impact patients’ quality of life.
Projects may involve pre-clinical or clinical trial work.
May relate in whole or in part to developing research-enabling tools, such as outcome measurements, patient reported outcomes and/or database information to accelerate clinical trials.
Should not be focused on basic or open-ended research without the potential to lead directly to commercially-feasible therapies or products to treat and/or cure CP. For example, a project with the goal of identifying that CP causes inflammation would not be considered for investment; however, a project with the goal of creating a commercially-viable therapy that meaningfully reduces inflammation in CP would be considered.
Contact Information:
Please send your proposal to Linda Martin at lmartin@missioncurecapital.com.

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