Learn how precision-focused impact investing is driving change by providing capital to develop new therapies for rare and difficult-to-treat diseases.

Resources Shannon Casey Resources Shannon Casey

Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency

EPI –when the pancreas does not secrete enough digestive enzymes– is common in people with chronic pancreatitis. This is because as the pancreas gets scarred, the part of the pancreas that generates enzymes is destroyed. As a result, the pancreas is unable to produce these enzymes that are essential to digest food. If you suffer from EPI, your body has difficulties breaking down food.

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Resources Shannon Casey Resources Shannon Casey

TPIAT (Total Pancreatectomy and Islet Auto-Transplantation)

TPIAT, or Total Pancreatectomy with Islet Autotransplantation, is a surgery primarily for people with recurrent acute and chronic pancreatitis. It involves the full removal of the pancreas and the storage of the patient’s own islet cells. If you suffer from pancreatitis, you might have questions regarding TPIAT surgery.

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Resources Shannon Casey Resources Shannon Casey

Genetics and Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis patients suffer terrible pain that requires pain management, along with other symptoms, and are often frustrated at the lack of effective treatments. Today, thanks to advances in genomics (the study of genes and their function), we’re on a path toward developing those treatments because we see the clear connection between pancreatitis and genetics. We are expediting these new discoveries and jumpstarting progress toward treatments—and eventually cures—for pancreatitis.

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Resources Shannon Casey Resources Shannon Casey

Causes of Pancreatitis

Chronic pancreatitis can be caused by a genetic defect, physical injury to the pancreas, gallstones or other blockages, or medications. Alcohol abuse and smoking can contribute to chronic pancreatitis. For many chronic pancreatitis patients the cause is unknown.

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Resources Shannon Casey Resources Shannon Casey

Pancreatitis and Alcohol

There is a  connection between pancreatitis and alcohol. However, it is often  misunderstood. Many people think that drinking alcohol causes chronic pancreatitis. This is wrong! New studies show that pancreatitis is not a disease of alcoholics. Alcohol alone does not directly cause chronic pancreatitis.

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News Shannon Casey News Shannon Casey

Regenerative Medical Solutions Appoints Linda Martin to its Business Advisory Board

Ms. Martin is a senior leader, innovator, serial entrepreneur, board member and investor with deep experience in corporate strategy and business development in early and growth stage technology companies. Linda is also the President and Co-founder of Mission Cure Capital, an impact investment company focused on accelerating life-changing therapies for patients with recurrent acute and chronic pancreatitis and is Chairperson of Mission: Cure, a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing effective therapies and developing better care models for all people suffering from pancreatitis.

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Resources Shannon Casey Resources Shannon Casey

What is Pancreatitis?

Chronic pancreatitis is the inflammation of the pancreas, the organ that produces digestive enzymes and insulin. The continued inflammation leads to permanent damage and scarring of the pancreas. This scarring causes digestive problems and eventually leads to diabetes.

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News Shannon Casey News Shannon Casey

Mission Cure Capital, Path BioAnalytics and Ariel Precision Medicine, Launch Unique Research Alliance to Advance Treatments for Pancreatitis

Mission Cure Holdings, LLC, Path BioAnalytics, Inc. and Ariel Precision Medicine, Inc. jointly announced the creation of a unique research alliance to develop innovative treatments for patients with pancreatitis, a painful disease affecting more than a million people globally and for which there is currently no treatment.

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